Radical Self Responsibility

Radical Self Responsibility It is time for us all to take Radical Self Responsibility. We are at an important time ...

Raising Your Vibration Part 5

Raising Your Vibration Part 5 A powerful way to raise your vibration is to remove as many toxins as possible ...

Raising Your Vibration Part 4

Raising Your Vibration Part 4 Setting and maintaining boundaries is vitally important. We need to recognise what behaviour and actions ...

Raising Your Vibration Part 3

Raising Your Vibration Part 3 What we eat can either powerfully raise or lower our vibration. Look to remove or ...

Raising Your Vibration Part 2

Raising Your Vibration Part 2 Our thoughts and emotions can have a gigantic influence on our vibration. In my opinion ...

Raising Your Vibration Part 1

Raising Your Vibration Part 1 People often talk about raising your vibration, but what does that mean and what are ...

Trust Your Intuition

TRUST YOUR INTUITION The world can be a confusing place. We are constantly overloaded with information. There is so much ...
Ian Wallis Life Transformation

What are these 12 strands of DNA?

What are these 12 strands of DNA? Each strand of DNA stores a particular string of knowledge. As we evolve ...
Ian Wallis Life Transformation Light Crystal Therapy

What is Crystal Light Bed Therapy and how does it work?

Crystal Light Bed Therapy combines the power of Colour Therapy and Crystal Therapy to help to remove energetic blockages and ...

What is Reiki?

Reiki (pronounced Ray Key) is a combination of two Japanese words, rei and ki, meaning universal life energy. It was ...

The Benefits of Exercise

The Benefits of Exercise Exercise is another vital element of caring for ourselves that often falls by the wayside in ...

Glorious Water

Glorious water Everyone knows that water is essential for life. However, many of us, in our busy lives, overlook the ...
Ian Wallis Life Transformation


Chakras Many people have heard of chakras, but few really know what they are. Chakra is a Sanskrit word for ...