The world can be a confusing place. We are constantly overloaded with information. There is so much truth, lies, misinformation, disinformation and lies mixed in among truths that it can be overwhelming for the logical mind. Sadly this can lead to people giving up assessing them and listening to the loudest and most persistent story. That is giving away one of our greatest powers.
When you are able to tune into a higher source you have access to pure truths. You can better discern the truths from the lies. You are able to connect to your higher purpose, know your true self and make decisions and take actions in accordance with who you truly are. You take back your sovereignty and are no longer controlled by others. It can help you in all areas of your life including: what you choose to put into your body (including what you eat and drink); what you watch; what you listen to; and the people and places you choose to spend time around. Take actions to enhance this connection. Question everything (including what I say), weighing it against this knowledge.
We constantly receive information, advice and direction from the Universe, God, Allah, Guides, Angels, our Higher Selves or whoever or whatever we choose to call it. It can be in the form of feelings, knowings, visions or voices. Everyone has that superpower. It is just that some are more open to receiving it and have more practice. Trust in your ability. Work to give yourself time where you calm your mind, relax and go more deeply inside. As you include this as part of your regular practice you will be in a space to be open to receiving information and developing your intuition. The more you use it the stronger it gets.
Love to all.