What are these 12 strands of DNA?

Ian Wallis Life TransformationEach strand of DNA stores a particular string of knowledge. As we evolve and learn to connect and activate these strands we access our so far hidden knowledge. Consequently the way we do things and the way we see and interact in our world will change.
Imagine that a human being is like a huge house and that the house has 12 rooms. In the beginning, when it was still under construction, only 2 rooms were wired and electricity was connected to them so that only the most basic of needs could be met.
Once you outgrow these 2 rooms, you need an electrician to wire up all 12 rooms for you. Pellowah is that electrician, connecting the 12 strands of DNA. Eventually, through your own efforts, all lights will be on and you will have access to everything in the house. From that point on nothing is hidden and you have unlimited potential.
Many powerful forms of healing produce feelings of well-being that seem to last 2 days to a week. Pellowah produces feelings that last and seem to get stronger with time. The growth and expansion brought about by Pellowah helps a person to build on their old framework without trauma; they have a new perspective and therefore make better choices.