Raising Your Vibration Part 5

A powerful way to raise your vibration is to remove as many toxins as possible from your environment.
Be conscious of the people you spend time with. Are they draining your energy or do you feel uplifted in their presence.
Avoid the news and newspapers and magazines. Most of the information is doom and gloom, giving us a negative outlook on the world and our place in it. Otherwise it is superficial noise designed to distract you. Greatly limit the amount of TV you watch. It subconsciously gives us unrealistic perceptions of reality and distracts us from connecting with what is really important in our lives. Question everything you are told. Develop, trust and practice using your intuition. It is the most powerful way of getting unfiltered truths. Recognise your ego and jeep it tightly in check.
Be discerning about what you read and listen to. Is it uplifting you or draining your energy or distracting you. Be very wary of a great deal of modern music. It can actually block your intuition and thought processes, much like radar jamming or radio jamming.
It is important to read the ingredients of all personal care and cleaning products and then to research these ingredients. There are so many toxins found in very many of the products most people buy. I buy essential oil based products as they have the added benefit of helping to boost my immunity, while avoiding toxins (message me if you want to know more). Many makeup products also contain toxins.
Avoid cigarette smoke and drugs. Make changes to your diet and lifestyle to limit the number of prescription drugs you need. Avoid alcohol. Avoid, or at least limit, the amount of coffee you drink. I recommend drinking filtered water in order to avoid chlorine, fluoride and other toxins that can end up in our water on its journey to our faucets.
If you have amalgam fillings, have them removed by a qualified dentist with all the necessary safety equipment. They contain mercury, which is a neurotoxin that bio accumulates in our bodies.
Limit your amount of exposure to electromagnetic radiation.
Be conscious of the toxic levels of all products you use and avoid or limit your exposure.