Radical Self Responsibility

It is time for us all to take Radical Self Responsibility.
We are at an important time in our history. We cannot stand idly by and expect that things will miraculously change for the better. No one is coming to save us. We need to accept responsibility for the world we create. Every decision we make, every action we take and whether we choose to speak up or not will have a massive effect on our future and that of our children and future generations. We cannot stand passively on the sidelines. Inaction is still action. By staying silent and doing nothing we are supporting what is currently happening. We are either sending our energy to the darkness that is happening now or towards a brighter, more loving and connected future.
We need to connect with our own powerful divinity. To stop being influenced and controlled by other people and by other organisations (no matter how powerful or how much of an authority they appear to be). You are your greatest teacher and your greatest Sage. We need to look deep inside and navigate our own course, rather than handing over power to others or being reactionary to what others say or do.
When we act from a place of love and connection we feel lighter and make choices which create a safer and better long term future for everyone. When we act from a place of fear we are in survival mode, In that state we tend to make poor choices, which may appear comforting in the short term, but often cost us dearly in the long term.
Do not get caught up in and attached to the fear being spread around you. Let it go. Instead focus on love and focus on solutions.
Work on going deep inside. It is the most important work that you will ever do. It may feel scary. It may get messy, but working through emotional hurts, limiting beliefs, unforgiveness, lack of confidence, lack of self-worth and fears (so called shadow work) is the most liberating thing you can do. Take notice of your feelings and emotions. Listen to them. Identify what they are teaching you. Then let them go and do what you are guided to do. Let go of fear. Fear is an illusion. Step out of your comfort zone. Soon you will ultimately learn that it is the most uncomfortable place you can be. Speak your truth without fear as to what anyone else will think. Even if you do nothing other than this important work on yourself you will be helping create massive positive change in the world. Feel love, spread love, be love. Love to All