Raising Your Vibration Part 4

Setting and maintaining boundaries is vitally important. We need to recognise what behaviour and actions we will or won’t accept and make them known. Otherwise we will be continually taken advantage of and have people draining our energy and lowering our vibration putting us in a state of fear and lack rather than love and compassion.
Being open to and spreading unconditional love is one of the most powerful things we can do to raise or vibration. It is the most powerful force in the universe. Be of service. Practice random acts of kindness. Look for beauty in everything and everyone. Most importantly love yourself. You cannot express complete unconditional love unless you love and care for yourself first.
Spending time by the ocean or in nature gives our vibration an enormous boost. These places have extremely high vibrational energy. Be open to immersing yourself in that energy. Earthing or having direct contact with the ground further raises your vibration as well as having numerous other health benefits. Direct contact with the vast supply of electrons on the Earth’s surface creates a stable internal bioelectrical environment for normal functioning of all body systems. Spending time in water is also very powerful. Notice how supported you feel when spending time relaxing in water.
Exercise, including dance, also raises our vibration. Let your body slip into the flow
Energy healings, such as Reiki are great for raising your vibration and clearing blockages to the flow of energy through your body thereby helping to heal your body.
High quality essential oils have also been proven to raise your vibration. Frankincense, the king of oils, is extremely powerful. Even more powerful is Rose essential oil. I use them regularly for this and to help maintain excellent health.
Using crystals are another way to help raise your vibration. Different crystals are used depending on your intention. With crystals always trust your intuition, even above all that has been written about them. Always cleanse your crystals regularly and before use. This can be done by immersing them in seawater, placing them in moonlight during a full moon, sunlight or saging them.