Reiki (pronounced Ray Key) is a combination of two Japanese words, rei and ki, meaning universal life energy. It was founded in the early 1920’s by Dr Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist monk. Reikiis a technique for relaxation which promotes healing using the life force energy that surrounds us. The practitioner taps into the unlimited supply of energy from the universe and sends it through their body and then that of their client. It is applied by the practitioner placing their hands on or near the client whilst they are seated or lying on a massage table.
We all have an unseen life force energy flowing through us constantly. Blockages to this energy flow can cause our energy levels to be low, which in turn increases the likelihood of stress and disease. Blockages can be caused by things such as negative thoughts and emotions; unhealthy food; alcohol and other drugs; or environmental toxins.
I follow my intuition throughout the healings and often receive information to pass on to you.
Reiki has been scientifically proven to exist and is currently being provided in many hospitals, nursing homes and palliative care hospices.