
Many people have heard of chakras, but few really know what they are. Chakra is a Sanskrit word for “wheel”.  There are 7 major chakras in the body and each connects to different parts of the body.  The main chakra system is a column of energy centres extending from the base of the spine to the top of the head.

When the flow of energy is blocked in these chakras it can result in physical or mental illnesses.  Blockages can be caused by such things as negative thoughts and emotions; unhealthy foods; alcohol; drugs; or environmental toxins.  They may stop spinning, spin the wrong way, enlarge, shrink or go out of alignment.

As a result, they need to be regularly cleaned and aligned for great health and balance within one’s life.

The first chakra is the Root Chakra.  It is associated with the colour red and located at the base of the spine.  It connects us to the earth and is connected to our most basic survival needs.  It focuses on one’s ability to deal with anger and life force. Imbalances can lead to negativity, eating disorders greed and excessive feelings of insecurity, anger and impatience.

The second chakra is the Sacral Chakra.  It is associated with the colour orange and is located just below the navel.  It is connected with our needs for creativity, sexuality and self-worth and ability to relate to others in an open and friendly way, and accept new experiences.  Physical problems can include constipation, kidney problems and stiff lower back.

The Third chakra is the Solar Plexus Chakra.  It is associated with the colour yellow and is located just below the breastbone.  It governs our willpower, self-esteem and personal power.  It is connected to our passions, impulses, anger and strength.  It is also the gateway to change and governs our ability to deal with and accept change.  Blockages can also result in lack of confidence and increased concerns about what others think and how they control your life.  Health problems can include diabetes, digestive problems, liver problems and food allergies.

The Fourth Chakra is the Heart Chakra.  It is associated with the colour green and is located in the centre of the chest, just above the heart.  It relates to love (for oneself and others) and compassion, including the ability to give and receive love.  It also helps to connect the body and mind with spirit.  When it is blocked people can feel fear, unworthy of love and paranoia.  Health problems can include heart attacks, high blood pressure, breathing difficulties and insomnia.

The Fifth Chakra is the Throat Chakra.  It is associated with the colour light blue and is located in the throat area. It relates to communication and self-expression of feelings and thoughts.  If this is blocked one can be anxious about how people will react to our views and thoughts.  People can feel timid, quiet and/or weak and censor what they say.  Physical symptoms can be a sore throat, hyperthyroid, ear infections and skin irritations.

The Sixth Chakra is the Third Eye Chakra.  It is associated with the colour indigo and is located on the forehead above the physical eyes.  It is the centre of psychic ability and higher intuition.  Through this chakra we can receive guidance, channel and connect with our higher selves and may experience astral travel, telepathy and receive information about past lives.  When it is blocked symptoms can include self-doubt and distrust, headaches and vision problems.

The Seventh Chakra is the Crown Chakra.  It is associated with the colour violet and is located just behind the top of the skull.  It connects us with spirituality, enlightenment and connects us to cosmic consciousness.  The soul enters the body through the crown chakra at birth and leaves from there at death.  Blockages may result in headaches, depression and/or feeling disconnected from the universe.