Author Archives: ianwallis

Radical Self Responsibility

It is time for us all to take Radical Self Responsibility.
We are at an important time in our history. We cannot stand idly by and expect that things will miraculously change for the better. No one is coming to save us. We need to accept responsibility for the world we create. Every decision we make, every action we take and whether we choose to speak up or not will have a massive effect on our future and that of our children and future generations. We cannot stand passively on the sidelines. Inaction is still action. By staying silent and doing nothing we are supporting what is currently happening. We are either sending our energy to the darkness that is happening now or towards a brighter, more loving and connected future.
We need to connect with our own powerful divinity. To stop being influenced and controlled by other people and by other organisations (no matter how powerful or how much of an authority they appear to be). You are your greatest teacher and your greatest Sage. We need to look deep inside and navigate our own course, rather than handing over power to others or being reactionary to what others say or do.
When we act from a place of love and connection we feel lighter and make choices which create a safer and better long term future for everyone. When we act from a place of fear we are in survival mode, In that state we tend to make poor choices, which may appear comforting in the short term, but often cost us dearly in the long term.
Do not get caught up in and attached to the fear being spread around you. Let it go. Instead focus on love and focus on solutions.
Work on going deep inside. It is the most important work that you will ever do. It may feel scary. It may get messy, but working through emotional hurts, limiting beliefs, unforgiveness, lack of confidence, lack of self-worth and fears (so called shadow work) is the most liberating thing you can do. Take notice of your feelings and emotions. Listen to them. Identify what they are teaching you. Then let them go and do what you are guided to do. Let go of fear. Fear is an illusion. Step out of your comfort zone. Soon you will ultimately learn that it is the most uncomfortable place you can be. Speak your truth without fear as to what anyone else will think. Even if you do nothing other than this important work on yourself you will be helping create massive positive change in the world. Feel love, spread love, be love. Love to All

Raising Your Vibration Part 5

A powerful way to raise your vibration is to remove as many toxins as possible from your environment.
Be conscious of the people you spend time with. Are they draining your energy or do you feel uplifted in their presence.
Avoid the news and newspapers and magazines. Most of the information is doom and gloom, giving us a negative outlook on the world and our place in it. Otherwise it is superficial noise designed to distract you. Greatly limit the amount of TV you watch. It subconsciously gives us unrealistic perceptions of reality and distracts us from connecting with what is really important in our lives. Question everything you are told. Develop, trust and practice using your intuition. It is the most powerful way of getting unfiltered truths. Recognise your ego and jeep it tightly in check.
Be discerning about what you read and listen to. Is it uplifting you or draining your energy or distracting you. Be very wary of a great deal of modern music. It can actually block your intuition and thought processes, much like radar jamming or radio jamming.
It is important to read the ingredients of all personal care and cleaning products and then to research these ingredients. There are so many toxins found in very many of the products most people buy. I buy essential oil based products as they have the added benefit of helping to boost my immunity, while avoiding toxins (message me if you want to know more). Many makeup products also contain toxins.
Avoid cigarette smoke and drugs. Make changes to your diet and lifestyle to limit the number of prescription drugs you need. Avoid alcohol. Avoid, or at least limit, the amount of coffee you drink. I recommend drinking filtered water in order to avoid chlorine, fluoride and other toxins that can end up in our water on its journey to our faucets.
If you have amalgam fillings, have them removed by a qualified dentist with all the necessary safety equipment. They contain mercury, which is a neurotoxin that bio accumulates in our bodies.
Limit your amount of exposure to electromagnetic radiation.
Be conscious of the toxic levels of all products you use and avoid or limit your exposure.

Raising Your Vibration Part 4

Setting and maintaining boundaries is vitally important. We need to recognise what behaviour and actions we will or won’t accept and make them known. Otherwise we will be continually taken advantage of and have people draining our energy and lowering our vibration putting us in a state of fear and lack rather than love and compassion.
Being open to and spreading unconditional love is one of the most powerful things we can do to raise or vibration. It is the most powerful force in the universe. Be of service. Practice random acts of kindness. Look for beauty in everything and everyone. Most importantly love yourself. You cannot express complete unconditional love unless you love and care for yourself first.
Spending time by the ocean or in nature gives our vibration an enormous boost. These places have extremely high vibrational energy. Be open to immersing yourself in that energy. Earthing or having direct contact with the ground further raises your vibration as well as having numerous other health benefits. Direct contact with the vast supply of electrons on the Earth’s surface creates a stable internal bioelectrical environment for normal functioning of all body systems. Spending time in water is also very powerful. Notice how supported you feel when spending time relaxing in water.
Exercise, including dance, also raises our vibration. Let your body slip into the flow
Energy healings, such as Reiki are great for raising your vibration and clearing blockages to the flow of energy through your body thereby helping to heal your body.
High quality essential oils have also been proven to raise your vibration. Frankincense, the king of oils, is extremely powerful. Even more powerful is Rose essential oil. I use them regularly for this and to help maintain excellent health.
Using crystals are another way to help raise your vibration. Different crystals are used depending on your intention. With crystals always trust your intuition, even above all that has been written about them. Always cleanse your crystals regularly and before use. This can be done by immersing them in seawater, placing them in moonlight during a full moon, sunlight or saging them.

Raising Your Vibration Part 3

What we eat can either powerfully raise or lower our vibration. Look to remove or at least reduce the amount of processed foods you eat. They are generally low in nutrients, low in fibre, contain empty calories resulting in us eating much more of them than we would with unprocessed foods and they are often full of artificial ingredients that are only tested by the company using them. If you are going to eat processed foods look for those that are low in salt and low in sugar. They have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, cancer and depression.
Eating a whole foods plant based diet has been shown to raise our vibration. Animal based products tend to lower our vibration, especially if there has been pain or suffering by the animal. Eating a variety of plant based foods provides us with an abundance of nutrients, fibre, complex carbohydrates and antioxidants. They fill us more quickly, reducing overeating. Additional health benefits include: reduced risk of heart disease, cancer, obesity, diabetes, digestive disease, inflammation and cognitive decline. Many doctors are now advocating this diet to reverse these conditions. Many athletes have changed to a whole foods plant based diet in order to improve their performance and recovery. For those interested in learning more I strongly recommend reading “The China Study” by Colin T. Campbell. It is based on one of the largest comprehensive studies of human nutrition ever conducted as well as many other supporting studies. There are also two excellent documentaries available on Netflix called “The Game Changers” and “What the Health”. Buy organic foods if you can afford them.
Reduce or avoid alcohol and coffee. They are low vibrational foods
Drink plenty of water, preferably filtered water. IT is great for helping you raise your vibration and has heaps of health benefits. I use an alkaline water filter.

Raising Your Vibration Part 2

Our thoughts and emotions can have a gigantic influence on our vibration. In my opinion and experience, the greatest influence. René Descartes‘ phrase “I think, therefore I am” is very true.
Thankfully there are many things that we can do to raise our vibration and improve our lives in many many ways.
Firstly start every day with gratitude. The first thing you do before getting out of bed. Think of 3 things that you are grateful for and thank either God, Allah, the Universe, universal consciousness, your higher self or the big pineapple in the sky etc. (whichever is appropriate for you). You kickstart your day with a positive attitude and train your brain to be looking for and finding positive things and opportunities rather than obstacles.
We all have thoughts which people call “negative” thoughts. They are normal and healthy. Recognise them. Find out what they are trying to teach you. What limiting beliefs are they identifying? What is your next step to work through this? Then let them go. Holding on to these thoughts and recycling them in our mind makes us feel heavier, less positive and less alive. There is a saying that: If you think you can you are right and if you think you can’t you are right.
Journaling can be a great way of releasing the many thoughts and feelings that crowd our minds and weigh us down. Many of these thoughts and feelings are the same ones day after day, recycled over and over again. These journals are for no one to read (unless you wish to look back to discover patterns in your thoughts or emotions). They do not need to be well thought out, perfectly written or even legible. Just release them out onto the page.
Meditating every day is a powerful way to relax and reduce stress, increase focus and improve sleep. Many extremely successful people incorporate it into their daily lives. Not because of any beliefs, but because it provides them with spectacular results. It can be in the form of more traditional meditation or active meditation such as yoga, pilates or tai chi. Even activities such as running or swimming can be a form of meditation if you let yourself “get in the zone” and relax all thoughts.
Forgiveness is also important. Marianne Williamson has likened unforgiveness to drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. The other person is unharmed by it, but it has a dramatically adverse effect on your vibration and consequently your health and well-being. It does not mean that what they did was acceptable, just that you are releasing it from dragging you down. People have had their lives transformed by embracing complete forgiveness.
Breathwork or conscious breathing is a group of exercises in which you adjust your breathing rate and depth. It has been shown to increase feelings of clarity, alertness, calmness, to increase self-awareness and mind-body connection and to facilitate emotional purging. It has been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety, insomnia, PTSD, ADD and depression.

Raising Your Vibration Part 1

People often talk about raising your vibration, but what does that mean and what are the benefits?
What does raising your vibration mean?
Everything in the universe (both living and inanimate) is made up of atoms and particles vibrating at different speeds. Whilst most people know nothing about this, they are aware of how different people or places make them feel. You can feel energised after spending time with some people or drained around others. Both human and animal babies can engender a warm caring feeling whilst vision of violence, separation or helplessness can either have people feeling overheated with anger or feeling cold. Being near the ocean, in nature or involved in something bigger than yourself can have you feeling uplifted. Stark industrial, polluted or sterile areas have the opposite effect. People are naturally drawn to these higher vibrations. Thankfully we are not at the mercy of our environment. There are many things that we can do to both raise our vibration and to maintain it. I will describe these in coming days.
What are the benefits of raising our vibration?
Frequency, which is measured in hertz (Hz) units, is the rate at which vibrations occur. So, an atom that is vibrating at a faster rate would be considered a higher frequency than one that is vibrating at a much slower rate.

Humans have an optimal frequency–as does everything else in the universe–that occurs when each of the cells in our body vibrates at the frequency it was designed to. Famous researcher Bruce Tainio found that a healthy body resonates at a frequency of 62-70 MHz. When your frequency drops below this your immune system is compromised.

The higher the frequency of your energy or vibration, the lighter you feel in your physical, emotional, and mental bodies. This results in you feeling:
Healthier with greatly strengthened immunity
More Love
Less Fear
More optimistic
More at peace
More intuitive with greater connection to source
More confident
More in control of your life and less at the mercy of other people and situations
More energised
More empathy


The world can be a confusing place. We are constantly overloaded with information. There is so much truth, lies, misinformation, disinformation and lies mixed in among truths that it can be overwhelming for the logical mind. Sadly this can lead to people giving up assessing them and listening to the loudest and most persistent story. That is giving away one of our greatest powers.
When you are able to tune into a higher source you have access to pure truths. You can better discern the truths from the lies. You are able to connect to your higher purpose, know your true self and make decisions and take actions in accordance with who you truly are. You take back your sovereignty and are no longer controlled by others. It can help you in all areas of your life including: what you choose to put into your body (including what you eat and drink); what you watch; what you listen to; and the people and places you choose to spend time around. Take actions to enhance this connection. Question everything (including what I say), weighing it against this knowledge.
We constantly receive information, advice and direction from the Universe, God, Allah, Guides, Angels, our Higher Selves or whoever or whatever we choose to call it. It can be in the form of feelings, knowings, visions or voices. Everyone has that superpower. It is just that some are more open to receiving it and have more practice. Trust in your ability. Work to give yourself time where you calm your mind, relax and go more deeply inside. As you include this as part of your regular practice you will be in a space to be open to receiving information and developing your intuition. The more you use it the stronger it gets.
Love to all.
Ian Wallis Life Transformation

What are these 12 strands of DNA?

Ian Wallis Life TransformationEach strand of DNA stores a particular string of knowledge. As we evolve and learn to connect and activate these strands we access our so far hidden knowledge. Consequently the way we do things and the way we see and interact in our world will change.
Imagine that a human being is like a huge house and that the house has 12 rooms. In the beginning, when it was still under construction, only 2 rooms were wired and electricity was connected to them so that only the most basic of needs could be met.
Once you outgrow these 2 rooms, you need an electrician to wire up all 12 rooms for you. Pellowah is that electrician, connecting the 12 strands of DNA. Eventually, through your own efforts, all lights will be on and you will have access to everything in the house. From that point on nothing is hidden and you have unlimited potential.
Many powerful forms of healing produce feelings of well-being that seem to last 2 days to a week. Pellowah produces feelings that last and seem to get stronger with time. The growth and expansion brought about by Pellowah helps a person to build on their old framework without trauma; they have a new perspective and therefore make better choices.
Ian Wallis Life Transformation Light Crystal Therapy
Ian Wallis Life Transformation Light Crystal Therapy
Crystal Light Bed Therapy combines the power of Colour Therapy and Crystal Therapy to help to remove energetic blockages and to provide healing on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
The bed has a series of 7 pure quartz crystals. Each crystal has been cut to a specific frequency and is suspended above each of the 7 main chakras (energy centres) of the client. Coloured lights matching the vibrational frequency of each respective chakra is directed through each crystal.
The healing power of the Crystal Light Bed is further enhanced by the spiritual entities who work through John of God, using it as a channel for delivering their healing energy to the individual receiving the healing.
As each chakra is cleansed, energised and brought into balance with all the other chakras, the body’s own natural healing mechanisms are able to function as they were designed to do. This provides deep healing on all levels.
As well as providing healing, Crystal Light Bed Therapy is also great as a preventative modality, using it as part of a maintenance regime.

Reiki (pronounced Ray Key) is a combination of two Japanese words, rei and ki, meaning universal life energy. It was founded in the early 1920’s by Dr Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist monk. Reikiis a technique for relaxation which promotes healing using the life force energy that surrounds us. The practitioner taps into the unlimited supply of energy from the universe and sends it through their body and then that of their client. It is applied by the practitioner placing their hands on or near the client whilst they are seated or lying on a massage table.
We all have an unseen life force energy flowing through us constantly. Blockages to this energy flow can cause our energy levels to be low, which in turn increases the likelihood of stress and disease. Blockages can be caused by things such as negative thoughts and emotions; unhealthy food; alcohol and other drugs; or environmental toxins.
I follow my intuition throughout the healings and often receive information to pass on to you.
Reiki has been scientifically proven to exist and is currently being provided in many hospitals, nursing homes and palliative care hospices.