The Benefits of Exercise

Exercise is another vital element of caring for ourselves that often falls by the wayside in our busy lives. Like sleep, it also helps to improve our effectiveness and attitude. When we exercise we are more energetic and undertake tasks with a much more positive attitude. Benefits of exercise include:
- Weight loss or maintenance
- Increasing good cholesterol and decreasing bad cholesterol
- Reducing the risk of stroke, type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer and arthritis
- Boosting energy
- Delivering oxygen and nutrients to our tissues and helping our cardiovascular system working more effectively
- Reducing blood pressure and improving insulin sensitivity
- Helping to prevent osteoporosis and building strong bones
- Exercise has anti-aging effects
- Improves reasoning, memory and promotes brain health
- Helps you to fall asleep faster and to sleep more deeply
- Improves muscle strength, joint structure and joint function
- It can be fun. It releases endorphins, making us feel better and reduces depression and the risk of depression
It is important for us not to neglect the importance of weight bearing exercise. This is especially important for women. You are not going to get huge muscles unless you train specifically for them. Weight bearing exercise is important for preventing osteoporosis and improving muscle tone.
Please be aware that you do not need to be a “gym junkie” to gain the benefits of exercise. Any exercise you do which causes you to exert yourself will have some benefits. You can start simply by increasing the amount of incidental exercise you do, such as parking your car that bit further away from your destination, taking stairs rather than an elevator of getting off a bus stop earlier and walking the rest of the way. You can go for a walk of a morning or an evening. It does not matter how far you start walking initially – just increase the distance over time and or work up to jogging.
If you have any health concerns, see your doctor for advice on any restrictions they make on your exercise.
Gymnasiums and health clubs can be great. They have the equipment, advice, they are supportive and you are surrounded by people making a positive commitment to their health. This can be a great help to maintaining a positive attitude about exercise.
If you do not wish to go to the expense of joining a gym there is still much that you can do. Most gyms and health clubs have personal trainers who can tailor a fitness program for non-members as well as members. They should be able to prepare a program for you where you are able to use household items, and possibly visits to parks, as part of your fitness program. Please make the effort. It is well worth it. You will be grateful you did. I promise the hardest part with any exercise is getting started, both as part of your new routine and as a daily activity.